- About Us
a startup specializing in media and entertainment built by a founding team from the top tech companies in the world, and other traditional industry veterans. Our primary market is Singapore and Indonesia. With the aim of building a professional livestreaming talent agency, we leverage the major social media platform such as TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, etc. Where we produce livestreams, short videos, and other content. We recruit high-quality talents, provide top-notch training, and support them to produce high quality content.

a startup specializing in media and entertainment built by a founding team from the top tech companies in the world, and other traditional industry veterans. Our primary market is Singapore and Indonesia. With the aim of building a professional livestreaming talent agency, we leverage the major social media platform such as TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, etc. Where we produce livestreams, short videos, and other content. We recruit high-quality talents, provide top-notch training, and support them to produce high quality content.

Your content goes here.
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Proudly showcase our remarkable achievements, a testament to our unwavering commitment to success and innovation.
Proudly showcase our remarkable achievements, a testament to our unwavering commitment to success and innovation.
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Judul Achievement 3
Integer lobortis, dolor ac varius malesuada, neque purus consequat est, ac vulputate erat magna nec justo.
Judul Achievement 2 Baru
Suspendisse sagittis non ligula eget rutrum. Integer viverra arcu ex, ac mollis velit viverra non.
Judul Achievement 1
Pellentesque sem mauris, tristique nec metus sit amet, commodo aliquet nibh.
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Don’t hesitate to reach us and start conversation to achieve your goals & aspiration


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Frequently Asked Question
Find quick answer to common queries to simplifying your livetreaming journey.
01. Why my livestream room have no viewers?
02. What to say/do when there's no viewers or very few viewers?
03. What is the best timing for livestream?
04. How to have a stable viewer base?
Ask viewers to join your team, fix your livestream timing (e.g. 10pm everyday), share your live to your followers and spenders, also to your team members, then live for at least 1 hour per session.